Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Captain Forbes inspected 11th Battalion defenses. The remains of the 6th Battalion had joined with the 11th Battalion to combat the incoming Araza militarists. The communists were pouring out of Red Phantom now; 1000 of the commies were moving eastward now. The 9th Battalion had also joined with them in defense, but the others were too far away for aid. Still, the three battalions had formed a formidable line of donitzers, mortars, fire-bulletproof shields, and soldiers armed with rifles. A wall of sandbags was lined up. Captain Forbes, Captain Kelp, and Captain Vein were sure that the defensive lines would repel the commies long enough until more battalions or even a whole division of battalions would come to their aid. The Mistmantleans scoured the grounds for the enemy.
All they had to do now was wait.

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