Tuesday, November 11, 2008

By now both sides had come to a stalemate. The Araza had lost half their forces and had downgraded to 1400 militarists, and the Mistmantlean defenders now had only 3300 soldiers out of the original 5000. The forest had been pounded very, very fiercely by Mistmantlean donitzers and mortars. Screaming communists running out of the woods going insane was a common sight. 3 Araza tanks had arrived, and they blew apart the Mistmantlean left flank. Flamethrowers and bullets were no problem for the middle flank due to their fire-bulletproof shields mounted on the sandbags. But the Mistmantleans had lost a whole battalion to the Araza and almost a whole of another. A Tiger Force Division to aid the Mistmantleans was called in, but it was hours away. The Araza had retreated to the woods, and both sides took a wide rest to recuperate. The Araza now controlled parts of western Mistmantle, which would be a third of Hermada. Communist propaganda had only led a few people away from the government, which was not as successful as the commies had anticipated. The defensive line stretched from one side of the peninsula to the other. (Mistmantle was located at the tip of the northern peninsula of Catalina) Two more divisions were on their way. Newspapers had not reported on this news yet anywhere, except for Booshka, because they didn't want to frighten the population. But it seemed that the Mistmantleans were winning so far.
The Battle of Booshka was not over yet.

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