Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Val Verde
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General Bodean was standing in the command room of the LSS Eldamil. He looked over the horizon, any minute now, a black strip should appear, and that would be the coast of Mistmantle, Val Verde's new investment. Lord Sheogorath had ordered General Bodean to make it expensive, Val Verde's nuclear program needed the money. It wasn't like Val Verde, or Lord Sheogorath for that matter, to throw Val Verde into war for money. Still, it wasn't Bodean's to question the great Lord Sheogorath. Then, he heard someone say "Mistmantle in sight."

General Bodean looked over the coast, sure enough, there was the coast of Mistmantle. He could sense the disappointment of the Mazken, they were hoping to see ships coming towards them, but that's a man's dream. There was going to be fighting, and from how the situation seemed, Mistmantle was depending on Val Verde's arrival.

General Bodean looked down, saw the city the ships were to talk port. "Prepare my helicopter," General Bodean ordered. "Yes sir," a sailor replied.

General Bodean walked to the back of the destroyer and boarded a Helicopter. As he sat down, he said to himself, "The dice have been rolled, its time to play the game, may Molag Bal give me strength,"

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