Tuesday, November 11, 2008

coffee1.gif THE MISTMANTLEAN TIMES coffee1.gif
Your World Today!!!
President Authorizes Political Parties, by Egil Thompson
There have never been any political parties in Mistmantle. But now President Maurin has decided to authorize the creation of political parties. Almost immediately the government formed into two philosophies. The Freedomist Party, founded by conservative ideas and less government control over the people, is the leading party in Mistmantle, headed by Genji Maurin himself. Next is the Centralist Party, a party founded on liberal ideas, which is headed by Lucius Cafanno. A third party has been introduced. It is something you have heard about: GreenWorld, an environmental front. It has now organized the Green Party, led by Naki Spiritae. So far, the Freedomists are the most popular party in Mistmantle.

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